💎 Weekly Club Elements Update
Hey there,
As you may already know, we offer exclusive weekly insights into the development of RapidWeaver Elements. This week, we dedicated time to our new drag-and-drop editor, specifically focusing on the grid and flex elements.
We've put together a fun video showing how flexible and powerful our new design system is. If you're not already a member, you can join Club Elements here (don't worry, it's free).

Oh, by the way, if you're still using RapidWeaver 8, now is an excellent time to save 50% and upgrade to RapidWeaver Classic 9.2 for numerous improvements. Additionally, we will release a free update later this month to ensure compatibility with macOS Sonoma.
That's all for today. Have a great weekend, and I hope to see you in the Club 💎
All the best,
Dan & Team Realmac
We are Realmac Software. We make nice things.
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